Value Search

Table of Contents

The value search finds data according to specified values contained therein. In the most basic case, it finds values based on numeric comparisons (e.g. "where column X contains values larger than …"), but it can also work with string-based comparisons.

The value search does not give a preview of its output. Instead, when you add it to the window of a time-based visualization (or create it directly therein by creating the value search from the context menu of the time-based visualization in the workflow explorer), the marking output is previewed in the time-based visualization itself.


The output of the node is a marking that marks all areas in the data where the specified search criteria were met. The marking can be either visualized or further analyzed itself or shown in a visualization that displays the data on which the search was performed (see section Markings).


The sequence search node is not able to aggregate, as searching for sequences always happens on the unchanged input data.


The value search is controlled by a list of predicates, each containing a single comparison statement. You can add comparison statements by clicking the "Add Comparison" Button.

Each comparison contains four parts:

  • The first part determines how the comparison relates to the previous comparison (unless it is the very first comparison). It can be either a conjunction ("and") or a disjunction ("or"). If both "and" and "or" operators are used, "and" operators always take precedence, i.e. the value search will first evaluate all "and"ed expressions and then "or" their results.
  • The second part determines the Data Column on which the comparison is performed. Each comparison can be performed on a separate data column.
  • The third part is the comparison type. If the selected Data Column is numerical, the comparison can be any of the standard numerical comparators: equal, unequal, less than, less than or equal, greater than, greater than or equal. Note that due to the way floating point operations work, in many cases the equality and inequality operators should only be used for integer columns.

    If the selected Data Column is of type string, the comparison can be either one of "is", "starts with", "ends with", "is not" or "contains".

  • The fourth part is the value to which the column should be compared. If you have selected a numerical column, but enter a non-numeric value here, the node will signal an error.

Each comparison can be removed by clicking on its "Delete" Button.
